General Election 2019

So many tactical voting sites, so little time!

If you’re unsure which sites make sense in your area, look out for recommendations from local groups or read Jon Worth’s tactical voting guide.

Tactical Voting Tools

Compare the Tacticals

By Live From Brexit

Shows recommendations from several tactical voting sites in one place.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

By David Batley

Shows recommendations from several tactical voting sites in one place to avoid remain vote split.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Get Johnson Gone

By By Donkeys

It’s time to ignore the national picture and think about your constituency and which party has the best chance of beating Johnson’s Conservative candidate.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Get Voting!

By Best for Britain

Cross-party campaign with a mission to stop Brexit by any democratic means.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Jon Worth's 2019 UK General Election Tactical Voting Guide

By Jon Worth

Tactical voting is not a simple thing to do, or to get right. Jon’s short videos are based on careful analysis of complex data.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

People’s Vote

By People’s Vote

Vote tactically for a People’s Vote.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Remain United

By Remain United

End the Brexit madness. Keep calm and vote smart.

This site aims to help you...

Tactical Brexit

Find out which party to vote for in your constituency if you want Brexit to happen.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Tactical Vote (previously Tactical2017)

A progressive grassroots campaign run by volunteers with the aim of stopping a Tory government.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...

Vote Smart

By Represent Us

Exposes conflicts in the recommendations published by various sites and organisations and provides a clear narrative to help voters understand and interpret the conflicting advice with clarity.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...


By Kieran Huggins

UK version of the Canadian site. Uses data from Electoral Calculus to avoid a split vote among progressive voters.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on... 2019

By Vote Tools

Formed during the 2017 general election and focussed on preventing a Conservative government.

This site aims to help you...

The recommendations are based on...